Monday, August 27, 2007

26th August 07

Spent some of the summer in Cornwall...

Rick Steins for lunch was full booked, so tried somewhere else, which was awful! I refused to pay for it all and offered them half, which they accepted…too right too I have never tasted such rubbish and the wine was terrible. The polish waiter was very helpful and very apologetic, unfortunately the duty manager (looked about 19 yrs old) didn’t want to know, hid in the back until we had gone (we could tell he was hiding as he could be seen in the mirror!!) …yellow bellied coward! I’m not that scary (am I?)

I'd love to tell you where it is, but I can't find it on the net and I can't remember the name. It did have two entrances if that helps...looked really ole worlde from the back entrance but was all cheap and nasty at the front.

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