Monday, March 09, 2009

Rogan in Cartmel

Party of 16 in for dinner, pre booked, pre ordered and pre pre pretty pricey for what we got AND they sat us near the kitchen door which would have been fine if the staff hadn't kept kicking the door as they went in with there arms full of dirty plates!!!
The company I was in totally made up for it tho, what a great bunch of people. Oh yeah the bottle of Merlot we shared was lovely too...! Just as well as one jug of water for a table of 16 didn't last long....for some reason they only had one jug in the whole place so the waiting staff spent all evening running back and forth with refills.


A tiny piece of lightly cured smoked salmon, 1/2 tsp of caviar with a dozen rocket leaves does not make a satisfactory starter!!! The pressed guinea fowl was the favoured starter, a big thumbs up all round from those who chose it.

I had the brocolli and blue cheese soup which could have been a little warmer but very tasty.

The beef was so tender it didn't taste of beef (work that one out, but that's the review I received from the diner who had the beef) served with butternut squash puree and a bourgignon sauce was a hit.

Chicken with a cabbage and thyme sauce, beautifully cooked chicken but the portion of cabbage could hardly be seen underneath it and the thyme sauce was soooo salty it spoilt the whole dish.

Dessert was a cheese selection, didn't have enough celery to go around all the cheese which was a shame.

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